Forums - The Trap Topic Show all 50 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The Trap Topic ( Posted by Gen2000 on 01:10:2001 07:24 AM: Hey, I read the whole first page, and don't topics that really list all the traps, or I just see a topic wanting one trap or something. I also read the traps section of, but it isn't completed the last time I saw it. Well, I want to gather all the Traps of MvC2, from the Solos, Walls of Swords, to the famous duos traps of Strider/Doom. I don't really know a wide array of traps. So if you guys can please list all the traps you know and got into detail about how to do them, I would really be thankful. You see, I'm gathering up all the traps in MvC2 and trying to put it in one place. I will give everyone who posts credit and stuff. Seeing the traps explain from people on the boards would be better too, as it gives different views or ways on how to do it from each person. So if you know those traps, list them. Thanks in advance. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by AZER on 01:10:2001 08:32 AM: Traps of the Trade 2 should be out soon at this site.(I think) It will explain Strider/Doom and other traps as well. Just look around the forums and you will see many topics on how to do traps. Posted by Gen2000 on 01:10:2001 09:44 AM: lol, I was hoping people would put the traps here so it would be all in one place, going around searching for them through ever thread probably still want help, because their still might be traps missing. Come on guys. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by JChristopher on 01:10:2001 12:38 PM: ok, Strider/Doom (or at least how I do it) 1) Call Doom and teleport behind or teleport behind, j.fierce + call Doom and teleport in front. 2) As Doom chips, call dogs or birds or do dash in combos. 3) As Doom ends, activate Ouroboros 4) Call Doom and jump or teleport behind 5) repeat #2 6) As orbs end, call Doom and repeat #2 7) repeat #3-6 Posted by Gen2000 on 01:11:2001 01:22 AM: Thanks JC, that's all this topic is about. I will be sure to give you credit. Btw, aren't you the same guy over at gamefaqs, who made that "Crowd Pleasing" FAQ?, lol. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by REALPLAYER on 01:11:2001 05:46 AM: Doom/Sentinel.... These two have SO many traps, it's impossible to list them all. The trap can be continued in a wide variety of ways. 1. Dash in with Doom, s. fierce (+ Sentinel Drone Assist) XX Plasma Beam. 2. Super jump, Photon shotx2 3a. Land, jumping fierce(back,or straight up)+ Sentinel Drone Assist, j.fierce, super jump, Photon shotx2 3b. Land, jumping fierce (forward) + Sentinel Drone Assist, dash, s. fierce, Plasma Beam XX Super Photon Array.....j. fierce....blah, blah. 3c. Land, j.fierce (back or straight up)+ Sentinel Drone Assist, Plasma Beam, Photon Shot, j.fierce....blah, blah. Note: This trap can be beaten by Cable's AHVB, possibly both of Storms supers, and any character that plays mainly in the air, i.e. Storm, Blackheart, and Doom. To handle characters that play in the air, your last character in the team can be Blackheart AAA or CapCom AAA. Note: If your opponent jumps in on Doom, you can... 1. super jump above their head, Super Photon Array on their head. 2. jump back + fierce 3. jump back + roundhouse XX air dash backwards (+ Sentinel Drone Assist and/or Photon shot. 4. jump towards them with short, short, roundhouse XX photon shot. 5. Or my least favorite, call out an anti-air assist like Cyc or CapCom. DOOM'S A KEEP-AWAY BITCH!!!! Posted by Gen2000 on 01:11:2001 07:04 AM: Major thanks RealPlayer, yeah I know one person can't list all the traps in one place, but if people kept posting like you, we sure can get close to have all ways/differnt traps down here. Thanks again Realplayer, JC, and Azner, I know you were trying to help too . Keep them coming guys. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by REALPLAYER on 01:12:2001 08:09 PM: Cable/Doom.... 1. From anywhere beyond half screen, s.fiercex4(+ Doom AAA), fierce viper beam 2. jumping fierce, r.grenade 3. repeat 1 Not the best trap, but overwhelming at first. Posted by EVIL5150 on 01:13:2001 02:16 AM: traps are hella gay. go play a real game you jack asses. Posted by Mega Man X on 01:13:2001 02:22 AM: I have litle Trapness Style of Mega man but i have no idea if its cheap or not. When i jump i fire a few fireballs so that person down on the ground will either go underneith me so i know where he is or stay where he is like so i start wailing on him into combo city. HEHEH.....Ariel Raves rulz Posted by Gen2000 on 01:13:2001 01:24 PM: Thanks again Realplayer and thank you too Mega Man X. The more the better. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by tokyobest on 01:15:2001 08:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by EVIL5150: traps are hella gay. go play a real game you jack asses. All the SF games have traps. Of course you don't know it, because you're a scrub Posted by Gamerzr0 on 01:15:2001 10:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by tokyobest: All the SF games have traps. Of course you don't know it, because you're a scrub lol "You must remember never underestimate your opponent" Posted by JChristopher on 01:15:2001 07:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Gen2000: Thanks JC, that's all this topic is about. I will be sure to give you credit. Btw, aren't you the same guy over at gamefaqs, who made that "Crowd Pleasing" FAQ?, lol. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. <IMG SRC=""> Heh, yeah I'm da one. What can you say about my faqs? Oh and, if you read that faq closely, I've listed some tight and some not-so-tight traps there. I even listed Bison as a potential trapper. Check it out. And two more traps: Spiral-Cable: Well basically just do WOS (activate in mid air, throw 3 down and 3 up) and call Cable just as you jump again to reload your knives. Cable-Spiral: Throw Grenade, fire Viper Beam to chip, and then chip some more with Spiral's knives. Throw the next Grenade as Spiral's projectile does its job. Posted by Gen2000 on 01:17:2001 01:21 AM: Thanks for the latest post of traps guys. Also, people who think traps are cheap and stuff will just have to leave with it because its in the game. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by EVIL5150 on 01:17:2001 01:36 AM: Call me a scrub again next time you watch my Makoto lay the smack down on Choyboy's Akuma 4 games in a row. Scrub that biatch. Oh yeah... traps are for pussies. Posted by Goku on 01:17:2001 03:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by EVIL5150: Call me a scrub again next time you watch my Makoto lay the smack down on Choyboy's Akuma 4 games in a row. Scrub that biatch. Oh yeah... traps are for pussies. Shutup scrub. Miggity Goku Posted by Gen2000 on 01:17:2001 10:25 PM: Hey guys, check out the site, I updated it with the traps you guys listed here, and I gave you all credit too. I just noticed I didn't get some of the later ones here, so I will get on that too, plus I got other site related problems to deal with too, putting a site in frames is hella hard. Keep them coming. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by MarkyMark on 01:18:2001 09:53 AM: Doom/Blackheart trap: j.HP, call Blackheart AAA, land, super jump, Photon Array (x2), land, j.HP, call Blackheart AAA, land, super jump, Phototn Array (x2), etc., etc. One of the few traps that a super jump won't evade. Just watch out for dashers like Magneto and Cammy . Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by Monkey on 01:18:2001 06:46 PM: Read the rest of that article. And practice the ones that you already know.. -Monkey Posted by bison812 on 01:18:2001 07:59 PM: not try to take any thing from jc but when i use the doom/strider trap i activate the orbs 1st and before it ends i call out doom and teleport behine opponent and hit jab short strong forward call out a bird or tiger them activate orbs and repeat but i also like jc because its more easier then the way i learned so what ever helps Posted by MAGUS1234 on 01:19:2001 12:03 AM: ok playtime has ended! Posted by MAGUS1234 on 01:19:2001 12:22 AM: ok hers the Blackh and doom trap: doom point jump up or forward fp,call bh mid air, land super jump and photon before you reach the peak of your jump so they cant dash under then do another photon array before you land...reapeat Cable kinda trap with any good fast projectile asist call asist super jump with cable then one gun shot at the top of your jump then a grenade(lk) and before you land,and if your opponent is on the ground give a viper beam ruby heart blackheart trap: when opponent is not in corner:cHK HK-sublimination call bh dash lk-sublimination repeat till opponent is cornered when opponent is in corner:cHK sublimination bh asist ghost sublimination repeat spiral bh: ok i dont really want to show all the timing and when to stop and when to go faster or whatever so here:call cable anti air put swords on in a super jump then when in normal jump range pount the lp as fast as you can and rite before you reload call bh colossos doom: call doom put on colosall armor jumpin hk land hk chk jumping hk repeat that for awhile since they cant do much when you have exo armor ..if you connect with a jump hk land hk again for lift do lp lk lp lk the dash move then the air super and theyll prolly be dead or hurt reall bad the stider doom one up there is what i would do but to put the oros on you have to make sure a dog connects or is blocked otherwise a stom mag or anyone who can air dash or doub jump can ruin you repititions bh ruby heart or bh doom with bh point call ruby or doom or just make sure that theyll have trouble calln an asist then jump fp with bh super jump fk dash fk land repeat if i remember anymore ill put them here.. cya playtime has ended! Posted by Archangel21 on 01:19:2001 01:05 AM: hey there but don't you think that other 's will be able to figure out a way in a trap like that?? i want to know if you can cuz i get to those kind of situation a lot Archangel21 Posted by Gen2000 on 01:19:2001 03:16 AM: Wow! Thanks for the latest entries again guys, I will add them to the site Friday, right now, I'm doing other things with the site now. Thanks again guys, I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by tokyobest on 01:19:2001 10:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by EVIL5150: Call me a scrub again next time you watch my Makoto lay the smack down on Choyboy's Akuma 4 games in a row. Scrub that biatch. Oh yeah... traps are for pussies. So why don't you win the b4v tourney? Oh, because you're a scrub. Plus, you're talking about 3S. Talking to a japanese, it makes you sound a lot more scrubbish. Oh, yes, but it happens because you're a scrub Posted by pataylahat on 01:20:2001 11:59 PM: there was this one trap i saw some guy pull off, it was a spiral/silversamurai one. it was more of a pin-down up close. i not sure how its done but heres my theory: 1)spiral reload swords 2)dash in and do a jb,strng,frce 3)call in samurai assist alpha 4)either reload swords or repeat #2 ***if choose to reload do it immediately during when sam does his slashes. 5)after jb,strng,frce throw a certain number of swords (i don't know how many, just enough so that sam comes back in) that could be it or not, but im still tryin to fig out when sam is in and spiral is assisting... Posted by WYLDFYRE on 01:21:2001 12:12 AM: another good thing to do is have akuma on your team. if the opponent is blocking say silver sammy's asstist or dooms aaa assist and theyre in the corner, do the raging demon and theyre gone. only watch out for those counter switch things, then youre screwed. My name is Flare and this is my crew. We kick ass and you know we do. Posted by Devil_X on 01:21:2001 01:49 AM: theres only two traps that matter anymore, strider/doom and sentinel/bh. people escape spirals wall of swords pretty easily now, spiral is best chipping away and running while building super. i dont like when people give specific steps to strider/doom trap, i mean , its totally different depending on what your opponent does, or what kinda assist he has. for ex: your opponent has commando assist , it would be a very bad idea to call orobots, then teleport on your opponent cause commando will meet you there. you should instead throw rings at your opponent, and go straight forward, if your opponent push blocks, then you warp on them. however if your opponent has cyc or psylocke, then it would be a good idea when you have orobots to immediately teleport on your opponent, if you go straight forward, the invincibility of those assist would hit you. Posted by Gen2000 on 01:22:2001 11:18 AM: :Blodia Punch: Keep them coming, and thanks for all the latest ones. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. Posted by JChristopher on 01:22:2001 04:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Devil_X: theres only two traps that matter anymore, strider/doom and sentinel/bh. people escape spirals wall of swords pretty easily now, spiral is best chipping away and running while building super. i dont like when people give specific steps to strider/doom trap, i mean , its totally different depending on what your opponent does, or what kinda assist he has. for ex: your opponent has commando assist , it would be a very bad idea to call orobots, then teleport on your opponent cause commando will meet you there. you should instead throw rings at your opponent, and go straight forward, if your opponent push blocks, then you warp on them. however if your opponent has cyc or psylocke, then it would be a good idea when you have orobots to immediately teleport on your opponent, if you go straight forward, the invincibility of those assist would hit you. I agree. But I, for one, only give out "steps" to give a general idea of how it's done. I leave the "adjusting" and "learning from your errors" part to the players themselves. Posted by Erik Magnus Lehnsherr on 01:22:2001 09:53 PM: Does anybody know what the sentinel/BH trap is? Posted by Erik Magnus Lehnsherr on 01:23:2001 01:00 AM: i know that with sentinel just call BH AAA, then FP xx drone swarm repeat [This message has been edited by Erik Magnus Lehnsherr (edited 01-22-2001).] Posted by pataylahat on 01:23:2001 06:12 AM: another trap i saw/heard of: spiral, sabretooth trap: ***note: i have no clue as how to execute this, i heard duc do did this... 1)call swords 2)throw 2 of them 3)call sabretooth projectile assist (birdie) 4)throw 2 more 5)*thinks quietly*.....................................................................................................thats all i can recall. sorry Posted by Gen2000 on 01:23:2001 09:36 AM: Yeah, I heard about the Spiral/Sabertooh lockdown too, I don't really knew the exact way to do it, I only did like two cycles of it. There was a combo movie around here that some guy made showing it off, it was cool. If I could remember his name, I would ask him for the movie. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. [URL=[/URL] Posted by Iceman on 01:26:2001 06:39 AM: Spiral/Sabretooth (as I do it): [First off, assume they are on the ground, full screen away (if they aren't there, they'll get pushed there quick) and ingorant of your intentions. One of the hardest aspects to this trap as actually getting them to stay on the ground long enough to hit them with it. You may need to get them grounded in a WoS trap first.] 1. Call Swords (duh, ) 2. Throw swords 1 and 2 (high, mid) 3. Call Snagletooth, Throw sword 3 (low) 4. Throw swords 4 and 5 (low, mid), Re-load (if sword 6 (high) comes out by accident, fine, it's not necessary) 5. WAIT. Then throw swords 1 and 2. This is the hard part. Watch, you want to throw sword 1 so that it trials a little behind Birdie's 3rd bullet. Make sure it is sword 2 that keeps them in blockstun, as damn near everybody except the REALLY HUGE characters can duck sword 1. Sword 2 should chase the 3rd bullet and connect while they are still in blockstun. Not too late, or they will escape the blockstun, not too soon, or Snagletooth/Birdie will not have enough time to exit the screen and re-appear. 6. Go back to step 3. Now, to summarize, you want to throw Spiral's swords at a slow, smooth pace. Fast enough to keep them in blockstun, slow enough to allow Birdie time to jump off the screen and return. Tapping buttons with my right hand, I count to 6 (really I count it 1,2, 1,2,3,4), tapping jab with my index finger on 1..2, then I tap jab with my index and assist with my ring finger simutaneously counter 3..4..5..6 (reload on 6, i.e. after I press "5" I swing a HCB motion and press "6" [or 1..2..3..4 as I usually count it]). Wait, and repeat. If this trap works, the victum will be trapped in blockstun with two choices, DIE, or alpha counter out to a partner (that is if they have meter ). It works on 24 characters. Those being: Amingo, Blackheart, Cable, Capt. America, Capt. Commando, Chun Li, Colossus, Cyclops, Dan, Dhalsim, Dr. Doom, Gambit, Hulk, Iceman, Juggernaut, Marrow, Rogue, Sabretooth, Sentinel, Silver Samurai, Thanos, Tron Bonne, Venom, and Zangief. What makes these characters unluck is that when they crouch, they do not get down low enough to duck under Birdie's bullets. [This message has been edited by Iceman (edited 01-25-2001).] Posted by Gen2000 on 01:27:2001 11:37 PM: thanks Iceman. I'm really sick now, so don't expect the site to be updated in a while. But major thanks again man. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. = Posted by Mulligan on 01:28:2001 03:45 PM: I have a gambit/Doom semi trap well its not really a trap but takes shit load of tick damage. All you have to do is do a little ground cmobo which if it is blocked call doom and do the move where he jumps on the otehr side of the screen which means doom is on one side and gambit on the other and keep attacking him if doom isn't right next to him so he cant jump out or u can call doom and jump over him with hk and keep attacking him. The main thing is to keep them on the ground and make sure doom is behind them so he cant get hit by ken or nebody else. Posted by mastermind on 01:29:2001 09:30 AM: I keep hearing of a RockBall trap involving Megaman, though I've yet to see anything related to it. Any takers? ------------------------ I've found the difference between us: you just suck. Posted by norielX on 01:30:2001 09:01 AM: Gen2000, you a "clone," or something? You listen to Jim Rome? Just wondering, only peple I know that "out" themselves are truckers and Jungle Clones. ;-) Try this for the megaman trap: It's not hard to find stuff, we do have a Search function here ;-) I think I've even seen a video for the trap, but I've already done my part, someone else look for it... Posted by Gen2000 on 02:02:2001 07:46 AM: Thanks Mulligen. And no I'm not a clone norielX, lol. Its just my "thing". I'm out. /forums/biggrin.gif Home of the Blodia. = Posted by Iceman on 02:02:2001 09:11 PM: It's all about some Jim Rome. In true Jungle Clone fashion: "Hey Clevland, come here, I've got something to show ya. The Baltimore Ravens" "...I'll string you up from a big ass tree, with a sign around your neck that says 'Whack MC'"--MC Hawking Posted by Dynamyte2U on 02:03:2001 10:26 AM: A really simple one. Spiral and Sentinel w/ground or Doom AAA Just keep on doing the QCB motion, tapping LP and Assist repeatedly. This will give u a perfect win vs the computer. Against a human player, its better to jump around when you do it. 3 going down, assist, 3 going up, reload (doom and sent have slow assists. they'll hit as u reload), repeat. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:05:2001 09:42 AM: :Blodia Punch: Thanks for the latest ones guys, don't worry, I will get them on the site shortly, I been kinda busy with other things, thanks again everyone . I'm out. Home of the Blodia. = Posted by OriJINal on 02:06:2001 12:38 AM: Any traps with Jin jill or gambit?? Also im pretty new how do you get the pics in your sig? It's never over with Jin. Posted by Gen2000 on 02:09:2001 03:05 AM: Hey, I just noticed the post before me trap, that's pretty much the Walls of Sword trap with a good assist backing it up. I will still post it up though under the Walls of Sword section though, stay tune for the update. Also, about Jin traps, I been working on a Jin/Doom trap for some went through many evolutions, here are my theorys first though of the latest version.. It only works on big characters The "cycle" of the doing the trap is kinda hard to kept up with. A good AAA completly destorys it. Starting with Jin.. j.LK, Doom AAA, Cyclone Drill, st.LP, cr.LP, (LP) Typhoon if not in corner, HP one if in corner, Cyclone Drill, st.LP, cr.LP, Doom AAA, HP Typhoon, j.HK to keep priority over the trap, then start over with j.LK, Doom AAA, Cyclone Drill, etc., etc., repeat Now, when doing the j.LK, press the LK button at the same you press the the jump button, then cancel into the Cyclone Drill (D+HK in the air), also his j.HK has good priority, this is for when the opponetn tries to jump through the "gaps" of the trap. That trap probably isn't really explain right, but it goes something like that. That is why I haven't posted it on the site yet, but once I perfected the trap. I'm out. Home of the Blodia. = Posted by Gen2000 on 02:16:2001 08:32 AM: :Blodia Punch!: heh, is everyone trapped out? Is MvC2 getting old? Come on guys, show the support! I'm out. Home of the Blodia. = Posted by Weapon X on 02:18:2001 08:00 AM: good trappish thing w jin is doing j down+HK (drill) over and over while assisting with someone that takes the opponent REALLY high, like cable anti air. while they are up taunt with jin and mash mash mash. it is an infinite if they are a stupid ass. try this only in the corner. -X Posted by Weapon X on 02:18:2001 08:02 AM: you can constantly do jin drills, and some type of assist, like doom AA and youll get great chip damage. -X Posted by kakarot on 02:20:2001 11:51 PM: the only trap in the whole game that is near impossible to get out of is the spiral/sabertooth trap. it leaves the opponent in block stun for the whole game so they cant call assists. trust me i am really good friends with hiroshim and good friends with ricky and we discussed this and all of us came to the conclusion that this is the only 100% pure trap in the game it's tight but the timing is hard. I AM THE PRINCE OF ALL SAMOANS ONCE AGAIN! 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